Full Name: Prof. (Dr.) Uma Sankar Mishra
Qualification: M.Sc. (1998), MBA (2000), M.Phil, Ph.D (2011), DCO, FDPM (IIMA)
Teaching Experience: 24 years (Including 1 year at GIM, Cuttack and 18 years at IBCS, SOA Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar)
Current Designation: Professor (Dept. of Management), Central University of Rajasthan, Ph-9437134222, Email-connectuma123@gmail.com , usmishra@curaj.ac.in
Also working as Director (ODL & OP), Central University of Rajasthan
Present Organization and Previous Positions: School of Commerce and Management, Central University of Rajasthan (Joinedon19thDecember, 2019). Former Dean in School of Engineering and Technology and School of Commerce and Management, Central University of Rajasthan. Previously, Head of Departments, namely, Department of Management, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, and Department of Society-Technology Interface of Central University of Rajasthan
Subjects Taught at PG level (MBA): Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Research Methodology, Quantitative Techniques, Consumer Behaviour, Service Marketing, and Managerial Economics
Subjects Taught in Ph.D Course work: Research Methodology, Marketing Management, Marketing Research
Number of Ph.D scholars submitted their thesis under my supervision: 1
Number of Research papers published in Journals: 85 (62 in Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals, 3 papers are of “A” category, 1 in “B” category and 2 are in “ C” category of ABDC ranked journals)
Number of Research papers published in Book Chapters: 6
Number of sessions delivered as Resource Person: 25 [Including NIT, Meghalaya; Central University of Punjab, Central University of Rajasthan, Kota State University (Kota), MDS University (Ajmer), MLS University (Udaypur), Balaji University (Pune), Utkal University, Sambalpur University, SOA University ,ASBM University, etc]
Area of interest in Research: Service Quality Analysis, Consumer Perception on Brands, Psychometric Analysis of Consumers etc