Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

3.1 The journal commits to following the ethical editorial policy as recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

3.2 Manuscripts submitted for publication are first screened for suitability with the stated Aims and Scope of the journal, before being subjected to a plagiarism check using Turnitin. The Editorial Office will assess the similarity report for each manuscript.

3.3 Manuscripts that pass both stages are then further assessed by a Pre-Review Committee of subject experts who recommend whether a submission should be considered for in-depth peer review, or rejected at this stage. The Committee might also recommend that a manuscript be revised before sending for in-depth review.

3.4 Selected submissions are then sent in for a double-blind peer review on the basis of which further decisions regarding acceptance/rejection/ revision are taken.

3.5 Those manuscripts that are received after revision will be subject to further editorial scrutiny and peer review before a decision is made regarding acceptance/ rejection/ revision.

3.6 The APC per paper is Rs4000/- for Indian authors and $50 for foreign authors.

3.7 Authors will be kept informed at all stages of the submission, review and publication process through e-mail. It is estimated that desk rejections will be informed within a week of submission. Rejection by the Pre- Review Committee might be communicated after a month or two from the date of submission. Decisions after the first level of peer review may be expected around 3 months from the date of submission.

3.8 Please note that the journal reserves the right to make editorial modifications to the final accepted manuscripts to make them suitable for publication.

3.9 Archiving Policy: Print copies of every issue of the Journal is kept for display in the Library of Srusti Academy of Management (Autonomous), and all the back copies of the journal since its inception in 2008, are archived in the library store. The digital copy of every journal since its inception in 2008 is available for free download on the Journal website.