ISSN NO: 0974-4274(PRINT), ISSN NO: 2582-1148(ONLINE)

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Exploring Factors Affecting the Transfer of Training: A Case Study of Public Sector Bank

Year 2023
Volume/Issue/Review Month
Title Exploring Factors Affecting the Transfer of Training: A Case Study of Public Sector Bank
Authors Prof. (Dr.) Padmalita Routray , Ms. Priyanka Priyadarshini
Broad area Case 3 : HR

In the wake of globalization, liberalization and privatization and consequent increase in competition, organizations are required to invest huge amount of capital in training and development of their employees to improve their work performance. But only imparting training is not enough, organizations need to ensure that knowledge and skills gained from training sessions are actually transferred to the workplace. This paper explores the factors that affect the transfer of training by considering a case of a Public Sector Bank and identifies the factors that have more impact on transfer of training. Primary data were collected by using a structured questionnaire from 130 employees who had attended training programmes. The results of regression analysis indicate that perceived performance utility, trainee’s self-efficacy, transfer design and positive transfer climate play a significant role in transfer of training .The study suggests that there is a need to create a favorable work environment with supervisory and managerial support that helps the trained employees to continuously apply the acquired knowledge and skill in the work situation.

Description Exploring Factors Affecting the Transfer of Training: A Case Study of Public Sector Bank

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