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Knowledge Management & E-HRM

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Spl. Issue 4 | April
Title Knowledge Management & E-HRM
Authors Dr. A.Chandra Mohan , N.Santhosh Ranganath , Yaminikrishna
Broad area Knowledge Management & E-HRM
Knowledge management often encompasses identifying and mapping
intellectual assets within the organization, generating new knowledge
for competitive advantage within the organization, making vast
amounts of corporate information accessible, sharing of best practices,
and technology that enables all of the above - including groupware
and intranets. Globally, knowledge has become the most important
factor in economic development and knowledge assets are considered
essential for economic growth, competitive advantage, human
development and quality of human life. Knowledge management
presents HRM with the opportunity to become pivotal to the strategic
management of the organization and a catalyst for knowledge creation
and building value. This involves more than just re-labeling Human
Resources - it is a fundamental paradigmatic shift for HRM and senior
management. Thus this paper is to promote the ideas of applying
Knowledge Management to EHRM solutions.
Description The importance of ‘knowledge’ for the economy and business has been discussed since at least 1945, if only sporadically, and received growing attention from the 1960s. The idea that knowledge could and should be managed, however, seems not to have bee
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