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Employer Branding as an Intervention for Retaining Talent: A study in Google

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Spl. Issue 4 | April
Title Employer Branding as an Intervention for Retaining Talent: A study in Google
Authors Lopamudra , Sasmita Nayak
Broad area Employer Branding as an Intervention for Retaining Talent: A study in Google
Today organisation is working under a high competitive and
unpredictable environment. Day by day job market became more
and more competitive. The concept of employment has been changed
to employability. Today employees are eager to go up the ladder faster
which may be one of the reasons that the rate of attrition is high. This
attrition became a threat and challenge for the organisations.
Organisations understood that in order to survive they need to have a
good market value. A good brand image will help the organisation to
attract and retain its talent. As brand makes the product unique,
employer branding represents the personality of the organisation. This
article is a descriptive study to understand employer branding as the
corporate strategy of in order to attract and retain the talent. The article
discussed various interventions of Google India to be a brand for its
employee. The findings will be arrived at analyzing the data collected
fro the secondary sources.
Description Today’s world is brand conscious and creating brand awareness is vital for organisation’s survival. Brand delivers the promise to the customer. Similarly a company tag is essential to attract and retain its human resources. There are many current pres
  • Barrow Simon and Mosley Richard, The Employer Brand, Bringing the best of brand management
  • to people at work, John Willey and Sons Ltd, England, pp: 13.
  • Sartain Libby and Schumann Mark, Brand form the Inside, Jossey Bass, San Francisco, pp: 5.
  • Sachitanand Rahul, Mitra Kushan and Mahalingam T.V. , The Toppers, Business Today, February 2011.