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Employee Empowerment as a Mechanism of Improved Quality of Work life: An Empirical Study

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Issue 5 | July
Title Employee Empowerment as a Mechanism of Improved Quality of Work life: An Empirical Study
Authors Mr. Bijaya Kumar Sundaray , Dr. Santosh Kumar Tripathy
Broad area Employee Empowerment as a Mechanism of Improved Quality of Work life: An Empirical Study
In recent years, organizations have realized the importance of human
resource and are focusing on adequate HR strategies such as
empowerment, joint decision making, suggestion scheme, multi
skilling, etc. for improving the quality of work life of the employees.
Empowerment is an environment in which people have the ability, the
confidence, and the commitment to take the responsibility and
ownership to improve the process and initiate the necessary steps to
satisfy customer requirements within well-defined boundaries in order
to achieve organizational values and goals. The present study focused
on employee empowerment measures adopted by Talcher Thermal
Power Station (TTPS) after restructuring to improve the quality of work
life of the employees.
Description Managers in the new millennium have been facing stern challenges in this cutting edge of technological advancement and the process of globalization. Free market competition, open-market economy, trade liberalization, cross-border mega-mergers and acquisit
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