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Role of Cross-Cultural Competence in Leadership Development: A Critical Analysis

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Issue 5 | July
Title Role of Cross-Cultural Competence in Leadership Development: A Critical Analysis
Authors Anil Ota
Broad area Role of Cross-Cultural Competence in Leadership Development: A Critical Analysis
In the 21st Century where individuals from an assortment of cultural
backgrounds share the same workplace, it is crucial for all employees
in general and the top management of an Organization in particular to
possess the required cross-cultural skills to engage themselves in
professional relationships with colleagues belonging to a variety of
socio-cultural milieu. The present Paper is the outcome of an empirical
research conducted by the author on a sample size of 60 respondents
to quantify their cross-cultural skills at workplace. To be precise, the
paper tries to analyze in brief the importance and relevance of Cross-
Cultural skills in the backdrop of the empirical study as well as the
review of literature conducted by the author on more than 20 research
papers authored by eminent HRD Professionals and researchers for
leaders in Corporate Houses in managing their workplace obligations.
Description In a heterogeneous work environment in which the employee-base of any major multinational Organization belongs to varied cultural, religious, linguistic and racial backgrounds, it becomes imperative on part of the employees to exhibit not only tolerance f
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