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A study on Effectiveness of Emotional Literacy for a quality life

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Issue I | Jan
Title A study on Effectiveness of Emotional Literacy for a quality life
Authors Lincy Joykutty , James Thomas
Broad area A study on Effectiveness of Emotional Literacy for a quality life
The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of emotional literacy
towards quality of life. An interdisciplinary review of literature revealed that this
aim could be met by framing a structured questionnaire and administering to
various respondents to analyse their views and opinions towards various
situations,events, part of life, etc which helps to draw the solution to the problem.
The raw data was tabulated and analysed with various statistical tools such as
correlation,regression analysis,bar graphs,piechart,etc to arrive at accurate
solution and to suggest various measures to enhance the quality of life.
Description Emotional Literacy is the ability to read one’s own emotions and act accordingly so that one’s own behaviour is controlled. Persons can read their own emotions only when they are able to make self analysis through the process of communication with oth
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  • plan-raising-emotional-literacy-3146