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Privacy in Electronic-Marketing: A Theoretical Framework

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Issue I | Jan
Title Privacy in Electronic-Marketing: A Theoretical Framework
Authors Mr. Satinder Kumar , Dr. Rishi Raj Sharma
Broad area Privacy in Electronic-Marketing: A Theoretical Framework
The Electronic-marketing has offered lot of options for companies to market
themselves and their products effectively and inexpensively, but there is need
to exercise considerable care to ensure that their functions/activities or their.
Consumer concerns about unethical practices on Internet are directly having a
direct effect on the take up of Electronic-marketing. While many people are
willing to do exchange but a lack of trust prevent them from purchasing via
Internet. Consumers still prefer traditional channels when making purchases
because of Privacy issue in E-marketing. Review of literature reveal that privacy
has become important concern for all online businesses, more over consumers
are more aware about their personal information which has been collected by
companies without their consent.
Description Our country quickly is moving toward new world wireless world. In last few years Internet has played an important role in many fields of Indian economy. The Internet has changed the design and implementation part of marketing strategies. This dynamic tech
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