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Relationship between Marketing & Buddhism-An Analysis of Eight fold Path

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Spl. Issue I | Jan
Title Relationship between Marketing & Buddhism-An Analysis of Eight fold Path
Authors Nalin Abeysekera , Buddhika Hewawasam , Dr.K.S.Chandrasekar
Broad area Relationship between Marketing & Buddhism-An Analysis of Eight fold Path
It is quite evident that practitioners, scholars as well as laypersons are debating,
arguing as well as conducting research on marketing in contemporary
management arena. Some researchers argued that the concept of marketing
has solution for all problems faced by customers & other stakeholders. Buddhism
is becoming popular in eastern as well as western countries for number of
reasons; the first reason is that Buddhism has answers (solutions) to many of the
problems in modern materialistic societies. Hence following research problem
has been advanced in this study. “Is there any relationship between the
philosophy of Buddhism and discipline of Marketing?”. Content analysis as well
as interview method were performed to link the philosophy and marketing
management in terms of practice and faith. According to findings these two
subjects are going inline with understanding needs and wants of the people.
Marketing always focuses on understanding needs and wants of the customer
and their satisfaction. Marketing activities and strategies result in making products
available that satisfy customers while making profits for the companies that offer
those products. Buddhism also includes a deep understanding of the human
mind which prominent psychologists are now discovering to be very effective. A
marketer can follow the eightfold path to perform well in the market.
Description In contemporary management people are taking more on marketing which is must in the business world. On the other hand Buddhism is becoming popular in western countries for a number of reasons; The first good reason is Buddhism has answers to many of the p
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