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Service quality gap analysis in Indian Public Sector Banks

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Spl. Issue I | Jan
Title Service quality gap analysis in Indian Public Sector Banks
Authors Manish Yadav , Dr Rohan Rai , Dr Alok Kumar Rai
Broad area Service quality gap analysis in Indian Public Sector Banks
The banking sector in India has made remarkable progress ever since the
economic reforms were introduced in the year 1991. New private sector banks
have brought the necessary competition into the banking industry and
spearheaded the movement towards higher utilization of technology, improved
customer service and innovative products. Customers are now becoming
increasingly aware of the options. Therefore expectation has increased and
customers have become more critical of service quality. Keeping these in mind,
an attempt has been made in this study to analyze the service quality gaps in
selected public sector banks.
The aim of the study is to identify the service quality Gaps in Indian Public Sector
Banks and suggest banks the areas required by them for superior customer
satisfaction and subsequent business growth.
This study highlights service quality gap on the basis of service gaps model with
special reference to public sector banks. It also explores service quality expectations
and perceptions of the customers, management and frontline staff of select banks
which if taken care of by banks can lead to better performance from the banks or
indispensible tool for sustainable growth in dynamic banking environment
Description In the process of financial reforms a lot of challenges were faced by Indian banking sector during 1991. In 1969 and 1980, after nationalization of commercial banks the ownership of major commercial banks was taken over by the Government. Nationalization
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