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Assessing Customers Satisfaction through Customer Satisfaction Portfolio

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Spl. Issue I | Jan
Title Assessing Customers Satisfaction through Customer Satisfaction Portfolio
Authors Dr. Alok Kumar Rai
Broad area Assessing Customers Satisfaction through Customer Satisfaction Portfolio
Sustained growth of service business hugely depends upon the level of satisfaction of its customers. Indian Banking Industry is no exception to this phenomenon. After Liberalisation of Indian Banking Industry, many New Private Sector Banks (NPSBs) changed their forms and became proactive. Their activity changed the market dynamics of the industry. The resultant was the empowerment of the customers and hence came the realization on part of the banks to give superior care for the satisfaction of the customer. It is worth mentioning that many of the initiatives taken by the banks did not result into what they had planned for (Rai, 2009). A stocktaking of the satisfaction of customers of the banks thus becomes imperative. The study uses Kano model to evaluate the level of Satisfaction of customers as it delivers greater significance to the bank over other commonly used scales as SERVQUAL, SERVPERF and Banking Service Quality Scale (BSQ). The study not just aims to identify the level of Satisfaction of the bank customers but also the relative significance of different parameters of satisfaction in terms of their contribution to overall satisfaction
Description The forces of globalization, liberalization and technology are fundamentally changing the global economic order. Technological advances have resulted in the death of distance, time and location and liberalization and globalization have led to reduce barri
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