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A Study on Training and Development Practices in Woolen Industry In Punjab

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Issue II | July
Title A Study on Training and Development Practices in Woolen Industry In Punjab
Authors Rohit Markan , Bikramjit Singh Lubana , Gagandeep Marken
Broad area A Study on Training and Development Practices in Woolen Industry In Punjab
The study relates to the HRD practices in woolen industry in Punjab. The study
focuses on the training and development scenario in the industry. It indicates
whether proper training need assessment is done before conducting the
effective training and development programmes in woolen companies. The
study focuses on whether training is provided in the task related areas or not.
The study reveals that the training programmes are conducted by the external
trainers. The study tries to find out if training programmes are conducted in
proper environment and whether HRD department takes work samples and
assesses training needs of the employees. Continuous improvement
programmes are organized for effective conduction of the training programmes.
The study tries to indicate the training effectiveness and tries to find out how
training can improve the efficiency of the employees working in different
platforms. Mixed response was found among various organizations.
Description HRD professionals are also responsible for coordinating management training and development programmes to ensure that managers and supervisors have the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective in their positions. These programmes may include supervi
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