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Pricing of Pharmaceutical Products in SME Pharma Units

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Issue II | July
Title Pricing of Pharmaceutical Products in SME Pharma Units
Authors Dr. J. K. Panda , Mr. S. R. Hota
Broad area Pricing of Pharmaceutical Products in SME Pharma Units
Small and medium pharmaceutical units contribute to a large extent in making
formulations and bulk drugs for meeting domestic pharmaceutical requirement
of the country. This research article evaluates one of the key parameters
influencing the pricing of drugs in SME Pharma units after implementation of
the current GMP, GLP & GCP. It studies in details the processes and mechanism
involved in pricing of the SME Pharma units.
Different functional areas like manufacturing, distribution, marketing, R & D,
Finance and Information technology in practice of GMP, GLP and other Quality
system like ISO were studied for elaborate costing and its effect on pricing of
drugs and pharmaceuticals.
For operational economy many of the small scale pharmaceutical units of
Odisha have adopted cluster approach, which is a well developed strategy for
technological upgradation to meet GMP/GLP requirement.
Description The study is focused mainly on bulk drug and formulation manufacturing units in SME sector. (a) Bulk Drugs & Phytochemicals The bulk drug is the parent chemical entity, excipient or drug substance which is used in formulation making for consumption by pat
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