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Loyalty Programs for Hospitals : An Insight for E-commerce companies

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Issue II | July
Title Loyalty Programs for Hospitals : An Insight for E-commerce companies
Authors Anupama Prashar
Broad area Loyalty Programs for Hospitals : An Insight for E-commerce companies
Ecommerce has come a long way from being perceived merely as a mode of
buying and selling over internet to encompass the complete online process of
delivering, and servicing products and services. However, there is a strong
conviction among the players in Ecommerce arena that the offerings which are
more differentiated in terms of customer experience defines the path from
landing on the website to the payment of the product/service. The present
study intends to explore the right value drivers to be incorporated in a Loyalty
program meant for hospital staff for an Ecommerce website selling hospital
products for the niche but huge segment in India. The study covered large,
medium and small sized hospitals in the National Capital Region (NCR) of
India .The results of study showed that loyalty program for the hospitals should
be based more on the drivers of emotional connect than on those of process
Description In the retail circles, loyalty is the buzz word. Intense competition affect the company is difficult to increase the number of customers, enter new markets on the other hand also requires considerable cost. Research states that the cost needed to get new
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