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Denormalisation : Towards Improved Performance

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Issue II | July
Title Denormalisation : Towards Improved Performance
Authors Manas Kumar Rath , Sunil Kumar Mishra
Broad area Denormalisation : Towards Improved Performance
In this paper, we present a practical view of denormalization, and provide
fundamental guidelines for incorporating denormalization. We have suggested
use of denormalization as an intermediate step between logical and physical
modeling, to be used as an analytic procedure for the design of the applications
requirements criteria. Relational algebra and query trees are used to examine
the effect on the performance of relational systems. The guidelines and
methodology presented are sufficiently general, and they can be applicable to
most databases. It is concluded that denormalization can enhance query
performance when it is deployed with a complete understanding of application
Description Normalization is the process of grouping attributes into refined structures. The normal forms and the process of normalization have been studied by many researchers, since Codd [5] initiated the subject. First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form (2NF),
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