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Potential benefits of Database in the era of Cloud computing

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Spl. Issue II | July
Title Potential benefits of Database in the era of Cloud computing
Authors Suryakant Sahoo
Broad area Potential benefits of Database in the era of Cloud computing
Cloud database normally has RDBMS properties i.e. ACID properties and an
SQL Interface, a huge storage system which ensures consistency and more
programming interface. The basic properties of a storage system in cloud
ensure scalability, elasticity and autonomy. Cloud Database ensures automatic
scaling of storage resources and cluster replicas when a database cluster
reaches user-defined thresholds for disk space. It handles connections,
providing round-the-clock responsiveness to unpredictable load demands on
database infrastructure. It allows service providers and organizations to offer
elastic and highly scalable database-as-a-service (DBaaS) environment while
freeing DBAs and application developers from the rigors of setting up and
administering modern and robust database environments.
This paper reviews the benefits of cloud computing and then evaluates two
database architectures—shared-disk and shared-nothing—for their
compatibility with cloud computing. It also focuses on how it reduces
maintenance costs by eliminating partitioning. Two examples have been drawn
up, one of consumer cloud database and the other of corporate cloud database
Description The major benefits of cloud computing are dynamic scalability, faster development, diverse platform support and lower cost etc. However, attaining these benefits requires the key design principles of the cloud model. One of the core design principles is t
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