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An Efficient Signcryption Scheme Based on ECC with Public Verification and Forward Secrecy

Year 2012
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - V | Spl. Issue II | July
Title An Efficient Signcryption Scheme Based on ECC with Public Verification and Forward Secrecy
Authors Prof. Sumanjit Das , Er.Sangram Keshari Swain , Er.Prasant Ku. Sahoo
Broad area An Efficient Sincryption Scheme Based on ECC with Public Verification and Forward Secrecy
Information is an asset that has a value. As an asset, information needs to be
secured from attacks. Security becomes a challenge all field of communication.
While sending a message to a person over an unreliable channel such as
internet we must provide confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and nonrepudiation
[1]. These are the four major security aspects [2] or goals.
Cryptography was concerned only with message confidentiality (i.e., encryption).
In this paper an efficient signcryption scheme based on elliptic curve
cryptosystem is proposed which can effectively combine the functionalities of
digital signature and encryption and also take a comparable amount of
computational cost and communication overhead. It provides confidentiality,
authentication, integrity, unforgeability and non repudiation, along with forward
secrecy of message confidentiality and public verification.
Description Information is an asset that has a value like any other asset. As an asset, information needs to be secured from attacks. Now-a-days security becomes an essential feature in almost all area of communication. While sending a message to a person over an ins
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