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Understanding Customer Expectation is Critical in Professional Education -A Descriptive Study in Indian Scenario

Year 2013
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VI | Spl. Issue I | January
Title Understanding Customer Expectation is Critical in Professional Education -A Descriptive Study in Indian Scenario
Authors Bhagabat Barik
Broad area Understanding Customer Expectation is Critical in Professional Education -A Descriptive Study in Indian Scenario
Professional education has gained importance in India after globalization. The
knowledge, attitude and skill have spread to every sphere of education. Even in
rural areas, the need for professional education has been realized. Inspite of
several efforts, our educational institutes are not in the top 200 list in the world.
So it is the need of the hour to find out the reasons behind this. Probably customer
expectation is to be addressed in a systematical manner. Both adequate and
desired expectations have different roles in professional education. The whole
study has taken “student” as the customer in professional institution. It is an
exploratory study with data mostly from secondary sources. Also the factors for
customer expectation have been judged as per the recent market. Internal
Marketing as a tool finds a suitable berth in meeting the customer expectation.
The role of Govt. and other advisory bodied guided me to provide some
recommendations for the future players. The study has not covered other
stakeholders’ expectations in detail except “student’s”. The observations and
suggestions will enlighten both entrepreneurs and other academicians in
professional education.
Description “Knowledge is wisdom”. Education transforms the knowledge and dispels ignorance. It is the power which drives overall development of individual. In Indian Context, the role of professional education cannot be ignored. As a developing nation, skills an
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