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Profitability Pattern and Value Creation: A Study of the Life Insurance Industry in India

Year 2013
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VI | Issue I | January
Title Profitability Pattern and Value Creation: A Study of the Life Insurance Industry in India
Authors Sanjay Kumar Patel
Broad area Profitability Pattern and Value Creation: A Study of the Life Insurance Industry in India
It is due to globalization, deregulation, natural disasters and terrorist attacks
that the insurance industry is undergoing a massive change and the
metamorphosis has been noteworthy in the last few decades. Value creation
through management of profitability is more and more used and useful in
modern affairs of insurance companies. Some of the factors which are taken
into consideration play a very important role with regard to the performance of
the company and affect the shareholders wealth. The study analyzed investment
income, claims incurred, market share, firm size & board of directors and
endeavors to find out whether they generate any shareholders wealth or not,
whether it adds to the value of the company or not.
Description Never before in the history of the world financial markets has there been so much interest in corporate governance, investment income, market size, claims incurred & firm size. It is due to globalization, deregulation, natural disasters and also terrorist
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