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Small and Medium Food Processing Units in Odisha: An Empirical Study on Competitiveness

Year 2013
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VI | Issue I | January
Title Small and Medium Food Processing Units in Odisha: An Empirical Study on Competitiveness
Authors Suresh Ch. Das
Broad area Small and Medium Food Processing Units in Odisha: An Empirical Study on Competitiveness
There is tremendous growth and opportunities in food processing industry in
Odisha. The sample includes only companies with fewer than hundred employees
and those that operate in the food processing industry. Market orientation,
innovation, and business performance have been taken as proxy of competitiveness.
Mean comparison statistics was used to compare market orientation,
innovation and business performance of clustered and dispersed SMEs.
The main findings were found through data analysis, notably there was significant
difference between clustered and non clustered SMEs in market orientation,
innovation and business performance.
Description Small enterprise promotion has continued to remain an important and integral part of Indian development strategy much before the First Five-Year Plan, even dating back to 1938 when the National Planning Committee documents were being prepared. The concert
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