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An Exploratory Study on Job Satisfaction of employees in Newspaper Industry with Special Reference to Nagpur Region

Year 2013
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VI | Issue I | January
Title An Exploratory Study on Job Satisfaction of employees in Newspaper Industry with Special Reference to Nagpur Region
Authors Ms.Rashmi Gupta , Dr. H. V. Gokhale
Broad area An Exploratory Study on Job Satisfaction of employees in Newspaper Industry with Special Reference to Nagpur Region
Job satisfaction is an important variable in organization behavior and sales
management. This study explored the impact of person-job fit and personorganization
fit on the job satisfaction, organization commitment and
turnover intentions of newspaper employees in India. A survey of newspaper
employees found that person-job fit had a strong positive relationship with
job satisfaction and person-organization fit had a positive relationship with
organization commitment. Job satisfaction had a positive influence on
organization commitment and a negative influence on turnover intentions.
The differences in job satisfaction across age and experience categories
were not significant but employees with higher educational qualifications
reported lower levels of job satisfaction. An implication for managers is
the importance of measuring fit and job satisfaction.
Description Job satisfaction is how content an individual is with his or her job. Scholars and human resource professionals generally make a distinction between affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. Affective job satisfaction is the extent of ple
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