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Application of TQM in the Arena of Professional Education

Year 2013
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VI | Spl. Issue I | January
Title Application of TQM in the Arena of Professional Education
Authors Ms. R. Rosalin
Broad area Application of TQM in the Arena of Professional Education
Changes in the economic and social fundamentals call for transformation in the
skills, capabilities and attitudes of the masses. This requires a shift in the delivery
and pedagogy used in the current education system. The purpose of this paper is
to promote total quality management in higher education for imparting easily
accessible, quality higher education leading to the economic upliftment of India.
This paper presents a review of current quality management practices within
higher education institutions. The review identifies a reliance on industrial models.
These are applied with only partial success and identified limitations suggest a
need for refinement, particularly in relation to the centrality of student learning
within Higher Education. The focus of the paper is on the benefits that quality
management in education can provide. The findings reveal that it provides better
prospects to the students and also facilitates sharing of best practices and
knowledge across the world. It increases the flexibility of delivery of education.
TQM leads to the democratization of education. The paper also explores the
factors related to policy, planning, technical requirements as well as the training
required by the Teachers, Staff and Management for the successful implementation
of TQM in an education system.
Description Education is one of the important elements of the service industry. It is the quality of education that shapes the long-term prosperity and well being of both nations and their people. One of the emerging philosophies in quality and management concepts is
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