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Management Education: Issues and Challenges

Year 2013
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VI | Spl. Issue I | January
Title Management Education: Issues and Challenges
Authors Mr. Mohammad Murtuja
Broad area Management Education: Issues and Challenges
Management education in India is quickly undergoing a drastic change. It has
been the most demanding professional education after Engineering and Medical.
We claim to be the best in management education; but the fact is that it is not up
to the mark. It is necessary to realize that the management institutes vary widely
in terms of Quality of Faculty, Curriculum, Placement record, etc. Problem is not
only with the institutes. It is a three sided problem which also includes students
and accreditation. If we really have the hunger to enhance quality of Management
Education, first we need to commit ourselves. It would require effort from each
and every individual to achieve and maintain the desired standards in
management education. As we know, the word improvement starts with ‘I’, so if
everyone initiates self-improvement, there would be a huge quality improvement
in management education. In current scenario higher education is no more a
matter of national policy and government regulations rather globalized affair
and it is highly commercialized in the current educational institutes. In
management education, quality has become a necessity for existence. This
article attempts to identify the various issues and challenges which are required
to improve and deliver quality management education in India.
Description The development of management education can be traced back to 18th century. From 18th century to 21st century, management education has seen lot of changes and development. Management education in India is predominately a derivative of western management
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