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Marketing Consumer Durables in Indian Rural Market

Year 2013
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VI | Issue II | July - December
Title Marketing Consumer Durables in Indian Rural Market
Authors Satish Kumar Mohanty
Broad area Marketing Consumer Durables in Indian Rural Market
Indian rural market has always been complex to forecast and consists of special uniqueness. The concept of rural
market in India is still in the evolving stage. This sector poses a variety of challenges. However, many companies
were successful in entering the Indian rural market. They proved with proper understanding of the market and
implementation of innovative marketing strategies. It is possible to explore and conquer the Indian rural market. It
is very difficult for the companies to overlook the opportunities they could exploit from rural market. As two thirds of
Indian population live in rural areas, this huge potential and booming market can not be ignored by any marketer.
They have to overcome certain challenges, converting them as opportunities and to become successful.
With this, the present paper aims at scanning the rural market status in India highlighting the opportunities and
challenges of rural marketing in India and the strategies that a marketer can incorporate with respect to consumer
Description “India’s way is not Europe’s. India is not Calcutta and Bombay. India lives in her seven hundred thousand villages” - Mahatma Gandhi The concept of rural marketing in Indian economy has always played an influential role in the life of people. In I
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