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The Nexus Between Supply Chain Concerns and Business Profile of Manufacturing Industries

Year 2014
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VII | Issue I | January - June
Title The Nexus Between Supply Chain Concerns and Business Profile of Manufacturing Industries
Authors C. Ganesh Kumar , T. Nambirajan
Broad area The Nexus Between Supply Chain Concerns and Business Profile of Manufacturing Industries
The purpose of this paper is to emperically test the relationship between supply chain concerns and business profile
of manufacturing industries. With help of questionnaire survey conducted on executives of manufacturing industries
in the Union Territory of Puducherry, India. This research work has explored the relationship between supply chain
concerns and business profile of manufacturing industries by using chi-square test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA),
Independent sample t-test, Correspondence analysis and Canonical correlation analysis. A general conclusion is
that positive correlation and 18% of the share variance exists between the two sets of variables supply chain
concerns factors and the business profile of manufacturing enterprises.
Description Supply chain management has become the focal point and goal of all the organizations in the global market. This is due to progressive enterprises are focusing on value addition to end customer instead of simply concentration on cost reduction goal. Buildi
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