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A Study on Evaluation of ERP Training Effectiveness

Year 2014
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VII | Issue II | July - December
Title A Study on Evaluation of ERP Training Effectiveness
Authors K.Sreehari , Dr. Chandra Sekhar SF
Broad area A Study on Evaluation of ERP Training Effectiveness
In the recent times offering ERP courses for management students is on the rise despite involving enormous costs
associated with the decision. As a result, there is a need for understanding the ROI by management of business
schools. The most crucial issue is the methodology of conducting ERP course. Usually, such arrangements
involve, negotiating a contract with the vendor who could offer such service and also conduct learning assessments.
However, understanding the overall effectiveness of the ERP training is assumed to be of utmost concern for the
decision makers. This premise is addressed in the present study while seeking responses of students who had
gone through such course and were employed for six months after the course. Around 63 students who have
undergone the training programme had participated in this study, responding to a structured online questionnaire
containing questions pertaining to the effectiveness of ERP training. The results are quite surprising, particularly
relating to trainer evaluation, learning evaluation and the usefulness of such training. The users have not perceived
the curriculum of ERP training effective, but the resource persons were found very effective. On the contrary, the
training inputs were found not having much utility value for the workplace. Implications are drawn from further training
and evaluation of ERP programs.
Description The success of an ERP programme in any organization is attributed to various factors, including the planning exercises, implementation methodologies, cost considerations and the like. However, evidence points to the fact that the training of the users of
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