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Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Performance : A Case Study of Health Workers in Tanzania

Year 2014
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VII | Issue I | January - June
Title Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Performance : A Case Study of Health Workers in Tanzania
Authors Santap Sanhari Mishra
Broad area Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Performance : A Case Study of Health Workers in Tanzania
Employee engagement is a mere psychological concept dealing with employee attitudes and behaviours, which in
turn encompass job satisfaction, organisational commitment etc. There is no dearth of literature regarding the
employee engagement. Many big organizations have their own research regarding this as effective employee
engagement is a vital input for delivering best products/services with better cost structure inculcating up dated
technologies. Many organizations; public or private treat it as a way to take competitive advantage over others.
In a growing economy of Tanzania, a country of East African Community (EAC), employee engagement holds some
ground as employees’ commitment is required to lift a nation. But irony is that, it is a highly neglected area more
particularly in governmental sectors. In this line, this study seeks to develop and examine a relationship of health
workers’ engagement with their work and performance. The country is facing with the menace of HIV/AIDS. So
mainly the health workers working in this field are taken into consideration. A questionnaire tool developed by
Healthcare Improvement Project of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been used to
collect opinion from the respondents.
Description Providing quality health care in developing countries is an audacious task due to the dearth of qualified health professionals. Fifty-seven countries have been identified as human resources for health crisis countries (WHO, 2006). With regard to qualified
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