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A Study on Work-Life Balance of Female Employees in Education Sector

Year 2015
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VIII | Issue I | January - June
Title A Study on Work-Life Balance of Female Employees in Education Sector
Authors Anshu Thakur
Broad area A Study on Work-Life Balance of Female Employees in Education Sector
There is lot of controversies about the work life balance. It is common perception that it is very difficult to make a
balance between professional and personal life. This research has tried to identify the work life balance of female
employees of education sector. For the purpose of research the data were collected from 40 female employees. It
has been came out that female employees were facing lot of problems in balancing between work and life. Though
they are able to balance their personal and professional life up to certain extent.
Description The time has been changed, women are no more only engaged in house hold work in addition to their traditional role like men they are working/engaged in all most all the area of economic activities.. With the increasing opportunities and globalization of t
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