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A Study on the Investor’s Perception about Mergers

Year 2015
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VIII | Issue I | January - June
Title A Study on the Investor’s Perception about Mergers
Authors P. Praveen Kumar , Dr. R. Kasilingam
Broad area A Study on the Investor’s Perception about Mergers
Merger is an expansion strategy whereby corporates engage in buying other companies in related or unrelated
industries to enhance their value. This study discusses different sources of information about merger deals. This
present study also analyses the investor’s perception about mergers. This study is based on primary data. Data has
been collected from 513 equity investors. The statistical tools such as simple mean, frequency analysis, cluster
analysis, discriminant analysis, chi-square test, correspondence analysis, ANOVA, post-hoc analysis and canonical
correlation have been applied to analyse the data. This study reveals that the non-shareholder acquires information
about mergers through print and electronic media. This study also reveals that investors feel that merger deals are
absolutely necessary. The number of family members who have invested in share market exercises the maximum
influence on investors’ perception about mergers.
Description Merger symbolises legal combination of two or more corporates engaged in related or unrelated business. Acquisition signifies the corporate action of a company gaining control over assets and management of another corporate entity. Generally, companies en
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