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Marketing Strategies for Air Mauritius Limited

Year 2015
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VIII | Issue I | January - June
Title Marketing Strategies for Air Mauritius Limited
Authors Dr. Manish Srivastava
Broad area Marketing Strategies for Air Mauritius Limited
Airline Industry contributes to the development of a country’s infrastructure and enables the country to become
more accessible to the world. This industry plays an important role in small islands where air transport is the only
feasible means of transport. Air Mauritius Limited, with 27.5% share of government of Mauritius, aims at becoming
the leading airline of the island and in the Indian Ocean and is focused on generating sustainable profit and being
simultaneously perceived as a socially responsible company. AML is facing serious financial problems due to
inefficient management, less number of air carrier and tie ups with other carriers, out-dated marketing strategies.
The present paper is an attempt to find out the present scenario of air Mauritius and to assess marketing strategies
of a small airline, Air Mauritius based on secondary data evaluation. The paper is also presenting some strategies,
which can lead AML for its aspiration as being leading airlines of the Island.
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