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Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity of Healthcare Equipment – A Case Study

Year 2015
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VIII | Issue II | July - December
Title Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity of Healthcare Equipment – A Case Study
Authors Sagyan Sagarika Mohanty
Broad area Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity of Healthcare Equipment – A Case Study
Brand equity generally means the relative popularity, success & additional market share which the firm realizes in
comparison with other substitute brands available in the target market. So, every company must invest heavily &
design the market strategies accordingly to catch the lion share of the market. General Electric is one of the leading
medical equipment manufacturers have adopted various strategies to develop brand equity in healthcare market.
The present research is carried out to estimate the contribution of marketing mix elements towards brand equity of
GE healthcare. The data were collected from different hospitals & diagnostic centres, who are the major users of
health care instruments by using a structured questionnaire. The result revealed that irrespective of other variables
of marketing mix, technical support & product innovation played a major role in the industry for determining brand
Description The wide acceptance of brand in the marketing world gives rise to the concept of brand equity. Brand equity is “a set of assets or liabilities linked to a brand’s name and add symbol that adds to or subtracts from the value provided by a product or se
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