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Job Satisfaction as a Predictor of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour

Year 2015
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - VIII | Issue II | July - December
Title Job Satisfaction as a Predictor of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
Authors Dr. P. Paramanandam
Broad area Job Satisfaction as a Predictor of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
Organisational citizenship behaviour refers to individual behaviour that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly
recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization.
The present study was aimed at studying the relationship between job satisfaction and organisational citizenship
behaviour among the employees of a shipyard. A convenience sample consisting of forty three employees working
in a shipyard participated in the study. By administering questionnaires organisational citizenship behaviour and job
satisfaction among the employees were assessed. The collected data were analysed with various statistical tools.
Results indicated that there was a significant difference in organisational citizenship behaviour among the different
age groups; among the male and female respondents; among different experience groups and income groups.
There was a significant correlation between organisational citizenship behaviour and job satisfaction.
Description Dennis Organ and his colleagues (Bateman & Organ, 1983) first coined the term “Organisational Citizenship Behaviour”. Organ (1988) defined organisational citizenship behaviour as “individual behaviour that is discretionary, not directly or explicitl
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