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Shopping Involvement in Online Shopping : An Exploratory Study

Year 2016
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IX | Issue I | January - June
Title Shopping Involvement in Online Shopping : An Exploratory Study
Authors Dr. Hari Sundar. G. Ram , Dr. D. Sudha Rani Ravindran
Broad area Shopping Involvement in Online Shopping : An Exploratory Study
Over the years, there has been an increasing number and variety of firms and organizations exploiting and creating
web based business opportunities. Parallel, several researches have been conducted on business to consumer
(B2C) e-retailing. However, in a country like India where the culture of E retailing in new , but the potential is huge
there is a significant need to determine the derivers for customer satisfaction, trust and repeat purchase. Maintaining
customer repeat-purchase intention and avoiding significant switching behavior to sustain operations and gain
competitive advantage is thus important for E- retailers.
This research paper aims at investigating the impact of convenience, perceived risk, variety, shopping experience
and price on the shopping involvement of the online customers. Moreover, the effect of shopping involvement and
customer satisfaction is being evaluated on repeat purchase intensions of the customers. Based on the research
findings, this study makes suggestions regarding management strategies typically for retailers who see Indian
customers as a prospect for E- Retailing.
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