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The Determinants of Service Quality: A Study in E-Retailing

Year 2016
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IX | Issue I | January - June
Title The Determinants of Service Quality: A Study in E-Retailing
Authors Dr. Satinder Kumar , Dr. Sonika Chaudhary
Broad area The Determinants of Service Quality: A Study in E-Retailing
The expeditious development of technology and the internet has diverted the company direction to retain customer
satisfaction by providing superior service quality. Service quality is becoming an area of great interest for companies
and it has a straight impact on the profitability of a company. With regard to customer service quality importance, we
investigate the determinants of service quality which affects customers. Measurement and improvement of e-service
quality is important for keeping competitive advantage of an e-retail site. If online retailers understand what dimensions
customers use to evaluate quality, they can take appropriate actions to monitor and enhance performance on those
dimensions and remedy service failures. This paper focuses on investigating the effective factors in successful
electronic retailing. In order to test the factors a questionnaire survey was designed and questionnaires were sent to
online customers of e-retailing; the sample consisted of 452 respondents. By conducting exploratory factor analysis
and structural equation model we found that responsiveness, security, Website design, reliability, ease of use and
personalization are the six dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of e-retailing.
Description With the growth of internet application by non-professional users in India, many retailing companies tend to sell their services and goods online instead of the traditional ways. Online shopping in India is an emerging trend for marketers to promote their
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