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Knowledge Management and Organisational Performance in the context of E-Knowledge

Year 2016
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IX | Issue I | January - June
Title Knowledge Management and Organisational Performance in the context of E-Knowledge
Authors Dr. Sujit Kumar Acharya , Ms.Snigdhamayee
Broad area Knowledge Management and Organisational Performance in the context of E-Knowledge
Competitive organisations must be able to locate, capture, store, share and leverage not only data and information
but also the knowledge of the firm. However, if the majority of information needed for decision-making exists in the
minds of employees, a system is needed to capture and codify this knowledge. The paper addresses this within the
context of how decision support systems, Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology can aid the transformation
process of knowledge.
The emergence of new technologies has increased the ability of organisations to share knowledge, not just internally,
but with external stakeholders. E-knowledge networks allow their participants to create, share and utilise strategic
knowledge to improve operational and strategic efficiency and effectiveness. The proposed e-knowledge network
will evaluate and deploy these technologies to enable inter-organisational knowledge sharing. In addition, the
implications of inter-organisational knowledge sharing on the supply chain are considered for business process
Description Organisations have always realised that access to quality information and knowledge will help them remain competitive. However, with the advent of rapidly changing business environments, managers are now realising they need to develop an effective knowled
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