Abstract |
The issue of job satisfaction is widely discussed in the literature on organizational behavior. There is a lot of work
on the issue of job satisfaction which reveals that it reduces the rate of absenteeism and turnover. A large number
of academicians and researchers agreed on several important determinants of job satisfaction like team work,
environment, job autonomy, behavior of leadership, organizational commitment and nature of work. Better human
resource management (HRM) practices also play a central role in enhancement of productivity of an organization
(Bloom and Van Reenen, 2007). Petrescu and Simmons (2008) found that HRM practices increase satisfaction with
pay and their overall job satisfaction. The Banking Sector is considered to be the lifeline of any economic activity as
the contribution of this industry to the economic growth is direct, considerable and commendable. It is essential to
study the job satisfaction of employees in banking sector.
This spaper presents the analysis of employee’s job satisfaction in State Bank of India, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. A
sample of 250 employees (151 Officers and 99 Clerks) from different branches of Bhubaneswar were surveyed
about their job satisfaction. The findings of this research resulted that old age group are more satisfied than young
and middle age group. It is concluded that employees are not satisfied with the factor like salary and pay associated
with promotion. The study may serve as a valuable contribution to State Bank of India, Bhubaneswar and may also
be useful to many practitioners in industry and companies. |
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