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Quality of Work Life: Comparative Study of University Teachers

Year 2016
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IX | Issue II | July - December
Title Quality of Work Life: Comparative Study of University Teachers
Authors Dr. Satinder Kumar , Mr. Gagandeep
Broad area Quality of Work Life: Comparative Study of University Teachers
It is utmost important to retain competent employees for the success of every organization. Mere use of money,
technology and infrastructure could not bring success to an organization unless and until its employees are satisfied.
For employee satisfaction, employees must be self motivated. Thus objective of this study is to analyze what
factors affect quality of work life of faculty members working in public and private sector universities in Punjab.
As far as comparative study is concerned; factors which motivate both sector’s employees to work efficiently are
salary & rewards, better leave plans, reasonable working hours and opportunities for promotion. There are few
factors, which create aversion among employees of both the sectors are; too much workload, conduct of top
management, long travelling hours and internal politics.
Description Quality of work life refers to the level of pleasure or displeasure with one’s own career. The employees who enjoy their career are said to have a high quality of work life, while who are not satisfied with their job have a low quality of work life. Var
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