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A Study on Perception of Customers and Bankers towards Service Quality in Public Sector Banks in Odisha

Year 2016
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IX | Issue I | January - June
Title A Study on Perception of Customers and Bankers towards Service Quality in Public Sector Banks in Odisha
Authors Kalpana Panigrahi , Bidhu Bhusan Mishra
Broad area A Study on Perception of Customers and Bankers towards Service Quality in Public Sector Banks in Odisha
Banks are facing increased competition due to globalization, technological advancement and consumer awareness
about their rights.This phenomenon has put the banks to rethink and revise the service quality, especially in the
growth and development of service sector. Service quality is an important factor that affects organizational performance
and success.Ultimate survival of the bankin a competitive world depends on high quality service it offers to
its customers. This also increases customer satisfaction and loyalty and customer satisfaction can effects customer’s
future intentions to remain with the bank.Servicequality was also found to be the basic factor that affects customers’
satisfaction and customers are the most important stakeholders in any industry.Service Quality is a buzz word
to the banks to sustain in the competitive environment.Numerous studies were conducted word-wide to identify the
determinants of service quality and customersatisfaction by using different instruments likeSERVQUAL and modified
SERVQUAL. Few studies wereconducted in India to understand the gap between the customers’ and bankers’
perception towards service quality offered by Banks. The main purpose of the studywas to examine the customers’
and managers’perception towards service quality of Banks. Here SERVQUAL has been used with little modification
because to fit to the modern banking industry for which it is being used. Hence,the parameters used in this study for
customer survey are tangibility, assurance, reliability, responsiveness, empathy alongwith e- Banking.
Description Now with the overgrowing rise of economy in India, the banking system should not only be hassle freebut it should also be competitive to meet the new challenges posed by the technology and other environmental (both external andinternal) factors.The compet
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