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Predicting Virality: Does Message Creativity Matter?

Year 2016
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IX | Issue II | July - December
Title Predicting Virality: Does Message Creativity Matter?
Authors Darshan Desai
Broad area Predicting Virality: Does Message Creativity Matter?
A very small percentage of potentially viral advertisement messages actually go viral. The creativity of these
advertisement messages is considered crucial in making them viral. Through a review of literature, this study
develops a measure to assess the creativity of potentially viral advertisement messages that can help predict their
success. Using a controlled experiment on a sample of internet users, it pre-tests the measure of viral ad message
creativity and explores its role in predicting viral success. The study assesses and compares the creativity, sharing,
and liking of a sample of viral advertisements versus a sample of control advertisements. The results indicate the
significant positive effects of perceptual creativity on shares and likes, which in turn determine viral success.
Description Consumers are spending more time online than with any other marketing channel. The media landscape is changing. Peripheral activities that constituted online advertising take over the core of marketing strategy (Edelman 2007). These fundamental changes gi
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