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Analysis of Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Indian Banks Employees Using Garrett’s Ranking Technique

Year 2016
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IX | Issue II | July - December
Title Analysis of Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Indian Banks Employees Using Garrett’s Ranking Technique
Authors Dr. Rita Basu
Broad area Analysis of Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Indian Banks Employees Using Garrett’s Ranking Technique
The economic reforms since 1991 have brought changes to the environment of Indian companies previously operated
and have put new pressures and realities in front of the bank employees, iced with a huge pile of inconsistencies.
Bank Officers have perhaps felt the maximum heat. At this juncture the questions come in mind about the effectiveness
of the employee performance linked with the new or revised thought about the influencing factors for the job satisfaction
of employees. The study conducted was mainly descriptive & analytical. It is mainly to analyze the level and
important factors of job satisfaction among public & private bank employees through a structured close ended tailor
made questionnaire and analyzed with Garret Ranking technique. Contributory factors for job satisfaction of bank
officers of India mainly depend on organizational image and practice of learning organization.
Description Banking in India has its origin as early as the Vedic period. It is believed that the transition from money lending to banking must have occurred even before. The general bank of India was the first joint stock bank established in 1786. Banking has helped
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