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Impact of Short-Term Solvency on Operational Efficiency: A Study on Cement Industry

Year 2017
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - X | Issue I | January - June
Title Impact of Short-Term Solvency on Operational Efficiency: A Study on Cement Industry
Authors Dr. Biswajit Prasad Chhatoi
Broad area Impact of Short-Term Solvency on Operational Efficiency: A Study on Cement Industry
The purpose of this paper is to measure/assess the link between short-term solvency and operational efficiency of
selected cement companies in India. The researcher has collected, compiled and analysed publicly available data.
The data for the study are different financial ratios. Short-term solvency of the sample companies is measured from
the current ratio whereas operational efficiency is accessed from P ratios. These ratios are collected from the
Annual Reports of selected companies over the period 2003 to 2012. Descriptive as well as inferential statistical
tools are used to draw conclusions. The result suggests that the liquidity and profitability of the sample companies
are not uniform and the association between quick ratio and operational efficiency is negative. The study depends
more on empirical procedures rather than a theoretical justification. The research is totally based on publically
available information and limited with regard to the time span and sample size. No holdout sample has been used.
The entire data set is subjected to simple statistical analysis. This to some extent limits the findings and implications.
Profitability and liquidity give importance on two different aspects. Liquidity gives importance on holding a huge
investment in liquid assets whereas profitability suggests a low level of investment in liquid assets. Simply the
managers have to make a trade-off between these two decisions for the smooth running of the business. The
present study focuses on two issues - does the increase in profitability affect the liquidity of an organisation? Are
these ratios of companies in the same industry similar?
Description A ratio is the quantitative relationship expressed in mathematical term between two individuals and group of figures connected with each other in some logical manner. Further, the quantitative relationship between two or more accounting figures that appea
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