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A Study on Economic Dimensions of India and China

Year 2017
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - X | Issue I | January - June
Title A Study on Economic Dimensions of India and China
Authors Sunil Kumar Das , Tushar Kanta Pany
Broad area A Study on Economic Dimensions of India and China
India and China are the two emerging economies of the world. They are the two most populous countries in the world
who together account for more than a third of the world’s total population. A descriptive research study has been
carried out for investigating the Gross Domestic Product of India and China in nominal and purchasing power parity
basis. It also compares per capita gross domestic product and GDP growth rate of India and China. It also investigates
the trends in the value of Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) with Indian Rupee (INR). This paper also exhibits the
market share in Foreign Direct Investment in Asia Pacific region in 2015. The dramatic rise not only enabled socioeconomic
upsurge of India and China but it also reshaped the regional and global trade trends.
India replaced China as leading recipient of capital investment in Asia-Pacific with announced FDI of $63bn, as well
as an 8 per cent increase in project numbers to 697. India faced various structural bottlenecks including delays in
project approval, ill-targeted subsidies, a low manufacturing base and low agricultural productivity, difficulty in land
acquisition, weak transportation and power networks, strict labour regulations and skill mismatches.
Description Indo-China relations refer to international relations between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of India. The economic and diplomatic importance of India and China, which are the two most populous states and the world’s fastest gro
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