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Emotional Intelligence in Service Sector: An Inter-industry Comparison

Year 2017
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - X | Issue - II | July - December
Title Emotional Intelligence in Service Sector: An Inter-industry Comparison
Authors Padmalita Routray , Ashok Kumar Dash , Pragnya Paramita Ray
Broad area Emotional Intelligence in Service Sector: An Inter-industry Comparison
Service sector enjoys a separate status in India due to its higher share in the economy. Managing self and others is a crucial skill that improves service delivery in these industries. The present paper focuses on the EI level of employees across industries on components like Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Self Motivation, Social Awareness and Social Skills. From the study it is found that inter industry difference exists in all components of EI except social skills. The research findings reveal that people working in telecommunication industry are better in EI followed by banking and hotel industries. These three industries fall into one category where the EI is high. The power sector and health sector fall into the other category where the EI is low.
Description Human interaction in service industries is an important dimension that leads to superior customer experience. Employee competency is a key determinant in service quality which differentiates service providers in an industry. Changing business environment
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