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Emotional Intelligence – A Prerequisite for Sustainable Growth and Employability

Year 2017
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - X | Issue - II | July - December
Title Emotional Intelligence – A Prerequisite for Sustainable Growth and Employability
Authors Sandra Rozario
Broad area Emotional Intelligence – A Prerequisite for Sustainable Growth and Employability
E.I is an integral part of achievement for success in any field, academic as well as job/workplace achievement. An Incendiary dichotomy is at play in India today. 600 million people are below the age of 25, incidentally the Indian workforce although distended with young and aspiring workers have a dearth in the skills required to remain globally competitive. The current paper explores the Emotional Intelligence of 81 MBA students at the verge of first year who will be appearing for placements in the next session. A random sampling method was used and data were processed with SPSS. The research proves that students are not competent to face the job market having low scores in the five parameters of E.I. There is a gap in the Business Communication syllabus as students do not show significant potential levels in E.I after nearly ten months of course progression. Therefore the “youth bulge” need to be trained through collaborative teaching methods and innovations in their syllabus and teaching techniques to remain internationally competitive.
Description The creation of jobs is an integral part of development. The visionary transformation of a developed India from its developing stage evokes certain questions like:-
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