ISSN NO: 0974-4274(PRINT), ISSN NO: 2582-1148(ONLINE)

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Time Series Moving Average, Smoothing Analysis, Forecasting Analysis and Evaluation for Natural Gas Consumption

Year 2017
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - X | Issue - II | July - December
Title Time Series Moving Average, Smoothing Analysis, Forecasting Analysis and Evaluation for Natural Gas Consumption
Authors Prabodh Kumar Pradhan , Sunil Kumar Dhal , Nilayam Kumar Kamila
Broad area Time Series Moving Average, Smoothing Analysis, Forecasting Analysis and Evaluation for Natural Gas Consumption
Natural Resources is a limited resource and its optimal usage is at most priority now a day as we are approaching towards the run-out situation for these natural resources. As we aware the forecasting is a major factor for the natural resource usage optimization and the oversupply or over usage is a major concern for its optimized usage. We analyses the forecasting models based on time series and compare the results with actual demand to trace the result difference between the actual and forecasted results. The evaluation method and the graphical interpretation shows a clear impression about the natural gas forecasting and would be considered as a true awareness of the existing forecasting models.
Description Natural Gas include Petroleum gas e.g.LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) which available in market in two types e.g. domestic LPG and commercial LPG. Domestic LPG has the higher usage than commercial LPG [1]. This LPG is extracted in various complex process [2
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