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Disparities in Irrigation STATUS and Agricultural Productivity in ODISHA

Year 2018
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XI Issue - I Jan.-Jun. 2018
Title Disparities in Irrigation STATUS and Agricultural Productivity in ODISHA
Authors Sanjib Kumar Hota , Kirtanya Bisi
Broad area Disparities in Irrigation STATUS

 he disparities in the area under irrigation and the impact of the change in irrigation status on the productivity of various crops under study across the districts of Odisha have been analyzed by a decomposition analysis in this paper. Further, the relationship between irrigation intensity and cropping intensity is also examined across the districts of Odisha at two points of time 1993 and 2015-16. The findings reveal wide inequality prevailing in the irrigation development across the districts causing unequal development in agricultural sector. Hence, an appropriate solution be brought about through effective policies for strengthening the irrigation potential of the state which will ultimately be helpful in augmenting productivity and reducing disparities


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