ISSN NO: 0974-4274(PRINT), ISSN NO: 2582-1148(ONLINE)

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Year 2018
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XI Issue - I Jan.-Jun. 2018
Authors Biswajit Nayak , Prasant Kumar Pattnaik

 In the area of wireless sensor networks the network is composed of a significant number of nodes deployed in an extensive area in which not all nodes are directly connected. The sensor nodes are generally unattended after their deployment in hazardous, hostile or remote areas. But the thing is that ,”how nodes share the channel” and “how it will work at low energy” are the two main design goal.Contention-based vs. Scheduled-based protocols are used to avoid above problems. In this paper, we present the challenges in the design of the energy efficient protocols  and for the wireless sensor network. We describe several Contention-based and Scheduled-based protocols for the WSNs emphasizing their strength and weakness wherever possible. At the end, we discuss the future research directions in the MAC protocol design. 

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