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Rural and Urban Consumer Buying Behaviour with Special Reference to Durable Goods: a Literature Survey

Year 2017
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - X | Issue - II | July - December
Title Rural and Urban Consumer Buying Behaviour with Special Reference to Durable Goods: a Literature Survey
Authors Rithvikaa K. , Anitha Ramachander
Broad area Rural and Urban Consumer Buying Behaviour with Special Reference to Durable Goods: a Literature Survey
Consumer behaviour is described as the process of selecting, buying, using and disposing goods and services by individuals or organisations to satisfy their wants. Companies have to understand the various factors that influence consumers to make purchases these factors may be reference groups, cultural factors, economic factors and alike, they also need to  understand the purchase process that goes into making purchase decisions by consumers in order to succeed in both rural and urban markets.The rural markets provide a wide array of opportunities due to their vast size and changes that have taken place over the years. Behaviour of consumers in urban areas and the characteristics of urban consumers vary drastically from the rural counter parts. An important conclusion can be drawn from the studies is that understanding the buying behaviour of consumers is important for companies. Whilst it is also seen that rural and urban consumers need to be segmented properly in order to derive sales and profits from both the markets.This research paper gives an overview of the studies that have been done on consumer buying behaviour in both rural and urban regions with reference to consumer durables. However, there are research gaps and further scope for comparative studies between rural and urban buying behaviour towards durables, as there are few research studies conducted on this topic.
Description Consumer behaviour is described as the process of selecting, buying, using and disposing goods and services by individuals or organisations to satisfy their wants. Consumer behaviour is complicated to understand as consumers behave in a certain manner but
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