ISSN NO: 0974-4274(PRINT), ISSN NO: 2582-1148(ONLINE)

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Role of HR Digitisation in Personalization of Employee Benefit

Year 2018
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XI Issue - II Jul. - Dec. 2018
Title Role of HR Digitisation in Personalization of Employee Benefit
Authors Arunima Nandy, Former System Engineer & Human Resource Manager at Tata Consultancy Services , Rita Basu, Associate Professor Institute of Business Management The National Council of Education, Bengal
Broad area Role of HR Digitisation in Personalization of Employee Benefit
 In spite of recent serious attention to employee benefits by organizations, human resource scholars have dedicated little attention to this employee benefit program. But in the present competitive age, where employee performance is one of the key factors of organizational success, employee satisfaction and employee retention are the primary concern of every company. So to gain the faith of the employees that their company is helping them out with some significant benefits which are necessary at the present juncture of their life, personalised employee benefit service will certainly be helpful. The main purpose of this research paper is how to identify the personalised requirements of employees to help them with corresponding benefits which can be achieved by HR digitization. To proceed with the study, employees and employers of different organisations are queried regarding employees' probable performance improvement after implementation of certain personalised measures regarding employee benefit program.  After our analysis we found that employees' and employers' expectations are quite similar and hence these personalised benefit programs can be introduced in organisation. Thus, employee satisfaction can be improved and hence organisation performance can also be enhanced.
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